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Saturday, November 22, 2008


Have you seen it yet? I have. I was one of the many who went out opening night! That's so weird for me. I don't go to movie theaters hardly at all. I can go a year or more without going to a theater, and I don't ever go opening weekend. And yet, last night I found myself at 10:00 at night standing in a line going well out the door to get into a 10:40 showing. Crazy!
I went with Amanda, one of the laurels I teach in my ward. She's a big fan of the books and really wanted to see the movie, so we went together. If it weren't for Amanda, I would not have been there. But I decided seeing it opening night was the best way to see it! Being in a full theater with a bunch of overly excited teenage girls, I found their excitement to be contagious. The funny lines were funnier. The scary parts were scarier. Even the appeal of the actors playing the parts was enhanced by a room full of over-reacting teenagers. I found myself getting caught up in their excitement, and it improved the movie for me.
When I first saw the actors picked, I was disappointed. None of them looked the part the way I saw them. When I first saw them on screen, I felt the same way. But by the end of the movie, every one of them convinced me. I was sold. Alice was Alice. Jacob was Jacob. Even Peter Facinelli managed to convince me he was Carlisle. I even LIKED him in the role. My only issue came with Bella. She may have looked the part, but the girl can't act. She was stiff, showed no emotion, and seemed to be reading all her lines off a teleprompter. She was a disappointment, but no one else was.
Obviously this isn't going to go down as one of the best movies ever made. But it was fun, entertaining, and thoroughly watchable. Not only am I glad I saw it, but I'm glad I braved the throngs of teenage girls to see it opening weekend.


Micah said...

I haven't seen it yet, but I plan to. I plan to mock it heartily because I'm sure once you truly reflect you will realize it was a terrible movie too.

The Jacksons said...

Wait for me for the "to mock" viewing! I have not seen it yet but plan on laughing heartily (at all the wrong parts) when I do.

jenn said...

Sounds like a girls night out when you all get here- I saw it last night with non mockers and wanted to cry! Come mock with me!!

I am glad you had a good time though Elizabeth!!

Elizabeth said...

Oh, I'm totally in for the mocking. I'm just saying I allowed myself to be caught up in the excitement of everyone else and purposefully ignored how bad it was. I'm all for mocking. Especially Bella.

Angela said...

Glad we are all on the same page.

~Jeri Darling~ said...

LALALALALALALA *covers eyes and ears* I havent seen it yet!!

Hey i'll get to see you at church on january 11th to introduce Sky into Sunbeams!! I cant believe she is that old now...Jason gets her for three months,and im bringing her up, so i get to say hello! :0)

Melba Toast said...

Oh Shirley...

maymey-Old said...

Wait- Do i get to watch it if I mock it? I'm up for mocking, if it means i get 2 see it:)