I've noticed only Jenn has posted a blog since we got home from the cruise, and she's only posted one. What is up with us?? Are we just lazy about blogging? I know we're not lazy in our every day lives. I know we're all busy and getting back to real life has been difficult, at least for me, but we're better than this, aren't we? I want to know what's going on in your lives! Where are my sisters at? Where are Mom's deep thoughts? Where are the blogs???
I made divinity and Valerie's caramels last week. The divinity turned out perfectly and I did a much better job on the caramels this time, though this time they ended up a little bit hard instead of too soft. I'll be making both again next week along with all my other Christmas candy. The problem is I want to make it, but I don't want to eat it all! The calories are killing me, especially after the cruise. I wish you were all here to eat it for me!
Fizzy joys: divinity and caramel, having a kitchen-aid mixer, a brand new box of tissues, unexpected telephone calls from old friends, finding the perfect gift.
2020 Vision
5 years ago
I have two or three posts started but can't seem to get my pictures downloaded. I'll try, maybe. I have lots of projects I want to do!
Tips on xmas candy? I want to make Val's caramels for my neighbor gifts and I have not made divinity for fear of burning out my motor. I'd love your advice since I can't have your candy!!
We never talked chocolate. Sorry. Do you still want a quick lesson? And how did your enrichment go?
Miss you!
I choose not to think of myself as lazy, but as actively engaged in a good cause: my schooling.
Due on Monday (3 days from today):
History final research paper (10 pages)
American Studies opinion paper on the American Dream (10 pages) with typed transcript of 5 interviews, 10 minutes each.
Humanities Paper #3 (7 pages) and rewrite of paper #2 to earn points back.
English short paper (4-5 pages), regular homework (3 pages), and any extra credit work I can complete by then.
Once Monday is over I'll start breathing again, but I still have regular homework assignments as well as exams to prepare for. Good times!
Jenn, I'm not sure what to tell you about Christmas candy. Mom told me with the divinity to put it on the lowest setting. All you have to do is keep it moving, so setting it on low will help preserve your motor. When I made it this time, it set up really quickly, so I wasn't concerned at all about my motor.
Valerie's caramels I still didn't get quite right, so if you want advice on those, I'd ask her.
I haven't done my Enrichment class yet, so I'd still LOVE a quick lesson on chocolate! My class is Thursday evening, so if you think you can find time, yes please!
Angela, I totally understand. Your school work load looks unpleasant. I appreciate that you find time to read blogs! Good luck with everything!
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