This blog is currently under construction. I asked my sister, Kathryn, to update it and make it look fancy and she inadvertently deleted all of my blog lists! If you are my friend or family member and I am supposed to be following your blog, please email me or leave a comment so that I can have your blog address again and create a new list.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Better than I thought...

Apparantly my lesson on Sunday went better than I thought. I got a call from my bishop last night asking me to adapt it into a talk for Sacrament Meeting this Sunday! How do I get myself into these situations? This has to be his wife's fault...


The Miller's said...

Good job, I'm sure it will go swimmingly :-)

~Jeri Darling~ said...

oh good, I wasnt able to be there last sunday, so now I can hear the revised version! hahahaha

The Miller's said...

How'd it go? Kaye Bair was in R.S. today...hadn't seen her in 10+ years. I stayed with her family in St. George for two weeks before I started school at Dixie.

Elizabeth said...

It went well. Thanks for asking. :) Kaye was there? My mom mentioned she thought Kaye was coming into town, but I never know for sure. You'd think I'd know that kind of stuff.

The Miller's said...

Yeah, I got her email address, and I sent her a link to my blog and told her she could find the link to your blog on mine, and then on yours she'd find the link to the rest of your family's blogs! I think she and my mom and Pat (don't know if anyone else too) are getting together at the lake house tonight.

The Miller's said...

Oh, and I think with large families like ours it's pretty tough to be in the loop! I always seem to be the last to find stuff out! I think I found out a few years after that fact that an uncle had had his first kid. And another time when I was a teenager, I came home from gymnastics practice to find the house one had told me we were moving!

~Jeri Darling~ said...

Hey, I'm sorry I wasnt there to hear it again!

jenn said...

That sounds like a challenge- to adapt it for people who have heard it and who haven't...

I found old camp pictures last week- Kristi and Sis. Dahlstom were in them. FUNNY!

Melba Toast said...

That's awesome Shirley!! You'll do great!!