This blog is currently under construction. I asked my sister, Kathryn, to update it and make it look fancy and she inadvertently deleted all of my blog lists! If you are my friend or family member and I am supposed to be following your blog, please email me or leave a comment so that I can have your blog address again and create a new list.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


It's snowing. But it's not the fun kind of snow, it's dry and small and COLD, the kind that doesn't really stick, it just causes problems.
Becca is sick again. She was complaining of ear pain yesterday (but says she's fine now), but she has a fever again and doesn't want to eat.
My friend I trade babysitting with brought her kids over today even though they have diarrhea.
Becca's car seat is in Scott's car, so I can't leave the house today.
I only got about 3 hours of sleep last night.

I need a bright side to look on. Anyone have any suggestions?

Edited 7:30 PM: Becca and Tyler are both throwing up now. Just when I thought we were finally healthy...


jenn said...

Oh sweet Elizabeth- I feel for you! I am SO, SO sorry and wish I could help you! Just remember that someone in Utah loves you and is praying your family gets well soon!

Elizabeth said...

Thank you! I really appreciate that. Especially since I've been up since 3:00 this morning with three vomiting kids! I did find my bright side. Neither Scott nor I are sick! Thank goodness for that.

Micah said...

Lame! Illnesses are lame! Winter is lame! Snow can be LAME! Don't worry Elizabeth, you aren't lame. I love you!

georgia-mom said...

I'm late, as usual, and hopefully by now you are all better and have gotten some rest. It's no fun, for sure, and being exhausted doesn't help at all. Love you. Thanks for being a good mom.