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Tuesday, May 22, 2007


After quite a bit of prodding from Scott, I finally went in to see my doctor about my insomnia. I'm not quite sure what I expected, but it wasn't this. After talking about my symptoms and what I've done to help (like not reading in bed, giving up caffeine, and exercising regularly), she decided I didn't need a sleep aid. Instead she prescribed an antidepressant. I can't decide how I feel about this. I'm not sure I would have said I'm depressed. But she may be right; this may be the elephant in the room I've been ignoring. At this point I'm just not sure what to think. It's the same antidepressant I was on for a month in college, so I know I won't have any weird side effects, and I know it'll help me sleep. I guess there's just such a big difference between taking an occasional sleep aid and being on a daily dose of antidepressants that I'm having a hard time adjusting to it. This isn't what I expected to happen.

The one part of this that made me laugh was reading what else this medicine is used for. Here are a couple highlights;
bedwetting in children
migraine headaches
chronic pain
eating disorders
panic attacks
premature ejaculation

Sounds like just what I need! :P


jenn said...


I don't know what to tell you. I'd have mixed feelings too. I have been trying to decide for a year if I have depression but I pretty much tell myself no and force myself to keep going. Why does depression have such a negative connotation?

Hope it works!

georgia-mom said...

Interesting diagnosis. And VERY interesting medicine to do all those things!
Insomnia runs in our family. I'd hate to think we all need to be on anti-depressants!
I do find the right pillow helps as much as anything. And the higher the thread count of my sheets the better I sleep! I used to play very soothing music with no words; now I put on headphones with scriptures or a boring book to block out my thoughts.
Sometimes I have restless legs like my mother; I haven't tried putting a bar of soap under my sheet, but many people swear it works tho' no one knows why.
For some reason, my husband reading to me always puts me to sleep!