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Saturday, February 02, 2008

Party time!

Hooray for birthday parties!

At least that's what Becca would say. Today was her very "fantastic" birthday party. Fantastic, by the way, is Becca's new favorite word. She decided she wanted a party where people could dress up in whatever they wanted. She'd talked once about a princess party, but didn't want to exclude the boys, and didn't want to force anyone to be a princess who didn't want to be a princess. Her genious solution? A Halloween party.

We pulled out some of our favorite Halloween decorations and let everyone know they could dress up if they wanted. Then we went to work on games. She wanted creepy games, but not gross games. The list for the day included making spider cookies, pin the nose on the jack o' lantern, mummy wrap, count the candy, eye ball hunt, and hide-and-go-scare. Confused yet? I'll explain.

Spider cookies are made out of chocolate cookies, chocolate frosting, peel apart twizlers, and red hots for eyes. Pin the nose on the jack o' lantern is like pin the tail on the donkey. Mummy wrap is a take on the bridal shower game where you make a wedding dress out of toilet paper, but in this case you wrapped your partner up as a mummy. Count the candy was just a jar full of candy and the person who guessed the closest to the actual number got to keep it. Eye ball hunt was the most fun. There were golf balls with eyes drawn on them hidden in big bowls of slimy spaghetti noodles that they had to find. And hide-and-go-scare is like hide-and-go-seek, but you get to scare people as you find them. She had a wonderful time and loved every single game. All the kids seemed to really enjoy themselves.

But the best part may have been the cake. She decided she needed a creepy cake too. So we did a worm cake! Crushed up oreos for dirt, chocolate pudding for mud, coconut flakes dyed green for grass, and lots and lots of gummi worms. She was SO excited for her cake. It was a huge hit.


~Jeri Darling~ said...

Aaaw, sorry we missed it. Eric had a make-up piano day at 230 that afternoon.

jenn said...

seriously funny- a halloween party in February!! she cracks me up!!

looks like fun. I'm in the "should I have parties this year" self-discussion as I type this. I really can't stand having them- I know, I know- this from the party planner! But from friends who don't bring a present or a ride home to broken furniture to birthday girls crying in the bathroom for 40 minutes- my party history is quite dismal!

Glad you all had a good time!

The Miller's said...

The unconventional parties are usually the best!

I think my favorite kids birthday party so far was Colette's second when it was an autumn birthday at the farm with apple cider and caramel-apple cupcakes (decorated like apples) and a corn maze, and goodie bags with little farm animal figurines and candy corn, etc. That's probably also because Fall is my favorite season.

Lauralee said...

oh that is so fun for her.. a halloween party too cute! sounds like a tonof fun!

Melba Toast said...

Holy crap! That is the BEST birthday party for kids. You did such a great job! I'm so glad Becca had a great time. I'm so proud of you with the cake thing. I mean, that's just impressive...

georgia-mom said...

How very fun! Hope you feel like a good mom, because you are!