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Friday, May 30, 2008

Field Trips

My school age kids both had the opportunity to go on field trips this week. They both went to the Graham Fire Station. What a great time they had. They got to spray hoses, go up in the buckets, and tour the fire station. They got to sit in both the fire engine and an ambulance, Rachel's teacher got strapped onto a board for demonstration, and a class mate of Tyler's got that particular experience. The fire fighters even showed off a little by having a race to see who could get their gear on the fastest. They both came home with hats and toys and stories that made their eyes light up. They went different days, but both had great experiences.

Fridays are the days I don't have my neighbor to watch, so Becca and I decided to take a little field trip of our own. We trekked up to the $2 theater to see Horton Hears A Who. That tiny little girl ate almost an entire LARGE bucket of popcorn! She just kept eating and eating and eating. She even wanted a refill when we were done! They refill large buckets for free, so we took a second bucket home that she shared with Rachel and Tyler. She also scarfed down the free packet of fruit snacks the girl at the concession counter gave her before we even made it out to the car! The theater itself was freezing cold. I ended up making Becca sit on my lap for the second half because I was shivering. Becca loved the movie. She actually sat and watched the entire time, laughing her head off in some parts. Her laugh (not the movie) made me laugh too. I wasn't quite as impressed, but it wasn't the worst hour and a half I've ever spent either. Mostly it was just fun to get out and do something with Becca. We spend so much time running errands or sitting at home. It was so nice to take the afternoon to just play with her.

So those are our field trips for the week. I can't believe we only have 2 weeks of school left!


Micah said...

That sounds like so much fun! I still remember my field trips like that. Being a kid is fun!!!

I still have seen Horton. I'm a little disappointed you didn't absolutely love it. I guess I can wait until I have it at my redbox. And what is this with a $2 theater? What about the good ol' $1 theater? We still have one... although it costs $1.50 most of the time.

~Jeri Darling~ said...

Did you see my blog that I took Skylar to see that same movie at our cheap theater? LOL. I wasnt impressed with it either, but Skylar had a great time. Thats all that was important. Arent mommy and me dates fun?

Melba Toast said...

That's so cute. I can't believe Becca ate all of that. Wait a minute, I actually can.