I know it's been a long time since I've blogged. I'll do a catch up post soon, but this isn't it.
My neighbor recently went back to work for the school district. I'm her child care while she's at work. Nathan and Becca are 9 days apart and have been friends since they were born. They have a love/hate relationship. They want to spend every minute together, but are either conspiring to get into trouble or screaming and fighting at each other. They really know how to push each other's buttons, and neither one is at all afraid to get physical. Kicking and pushing are just how they deal with each other. Unless they're getting along. Then they get into things together neither one of them would ever come up with on their own. They are T-R-O-U-B-L-E.
On Friday they asked if they could read books in Becca's room. I thought that sounded too good to be true. I figured it wouldn't last long and soon I'd hear the sounds of books being thrown against the wall or bodies being pushed off the bed. It was a pleasant surprise to hear nothing but quiet. Too quiet...
They were in fact reading books, but not in her room. They cut a hole in the screen to her bedroom window and climbed out on the ROOF!! Blankets, stuffed animals, the works. They'd made a nice cozy little reading spot on the sloped roof to my garage. I could not believe it. Not once did they think that they could roll off the roof like the crayons they were having fun dropping. It didn't occur to them that it would be unsafe or not allowed. They thought it would be fun, so they did it. I still can't believe it. Being on that roof scares me. What in the world would make two 5 year olds think it would be fun to sit on a roof to read?
Becca is trouble herself. But Becca and Nathan together are turning me prematurely gray.
There was one funny part of all of this. I was on my cell phone talking to Scott about it as I was trying to reach through the mangled screen to get the stuff off the roof when I dropped my phone. I saw it slide down the roof and was sure it was going to fall to the drive way and be destroyed. Nope, it just fell about 2/3 the way down. So I'm trying to make a hole in the screen big enough to get through to go get it when it rings again. It was Scott calling back. All he'd heard was muffled sounds and a couple big bangs. I couldn't get through the dang screen, and it wouldn't just pop out of the window frame, so I ended up completely tearing it apart to get through it. In the mean time I hear the house phone ring, but by that time I'm stepping out onto the roof myself so I let it go. It's Scott again. I can hear him on the answering machine telling Becca to pick up the phone, and she's yelling back at him "I can't Daddy! I'm in time out! Mommy will get mad at me!" I think she thought he could hear her. He kept saying over and over to pick up the phone, and she said over and over that she couldn't! He thought I had fallen through the window and off the roof and was laying dead or dying on the driveway and was trying to get her to check on me while he frantically rushed out of work. It was so funny to hear her yelling at the answering machine that I couldn't help but laugh.
Of course, Becca didn't learn her lesson the first time. Not 10 minutes after Nathan went home for the day, she was back out on the roof to better talk to her friends who were playing outside.
2020 Vision
5 years ago
SCARY! (glad youre back, finally..)
Omg! That is so completely funny! I think you might have bar that girl's window!! Poor E...
what?!! WHAT?! How does she come up with this stuff?! My kids just leave their pajamas behind the toilet or put the strawberries in their milk. She is SOMETHIN' else!
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