This blog is currently under construction. I asked my sister, Kathryn, to update it and make it look fancy and she inadvertently deleted all of my blog lists! If you are my friend or family member and I am supposed to be following your blog, please email me or leave a comment so that I can have your blog address again and create a new list.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The winds of change

I've had a few things change in my life over the past week, and it's time to document them!

First of all, I am no longer watching extra kids. I won't pretend to miss the obnoxiously early mornings, but I will miss the extra money it brought in. Mostly I'm relieved to be done though. By the end, it was getting tedious. It's possible I'll do it again next school year, but not definite. Right now I'm looking forward to a summer with just my own kids! It's also nice to be able to go to they gym at night, not having to worry about the lack of sleep that will cause because I have to get up so early. I may actually go once in a while now!

Tyler and Rebecca finished their gymnastics sessions yesterday and Rachel finishes hers tonight. We have not yet decided if we're continuing for the summer, and it's possible Rachel will want to do soccer instead in the fall, so this is possibly the end of this particular stage. I hope not, because all three of my kids LOVE gymnastics, but one never knows. I'm adding in a couple pictures of some of the wonderful instructors my kids love so well.

The next big change in my life happened at church. Remember my blog a few weeks ago about nursery? I'd finally gotten myself to a point where I was resigned to spending my year in there, and was starting to actually make plans on how to make it better for the kids when things changed. I've been released! This has to be the shortest stint in nursery EVER! I was in there all of 4 times! So now I have a new calling. I am the secretary in the Primary Presidency. I've never been in the presidency of any organization, so this will be something totally new for me. But I have to say, I'm excited about it. I am really looking forward to this opportunity.

So those are the major changes in my life right now. Oh, and I'm tan! A local tanning salon offered 10 free tans to new members, and since we've had just about NO sun over the last few weeks and the bit of a base I'd managed to build up was fading, I took advantage of this offer and went tanning! Now I'll hopefully be able to spend time outside with my kids this summer without worrying so much about getting burned after 10 minutes! Of course that assumes the sun ever makes a repeat appearance, which is never guaranteed in Washington.

My fizzy joy for today:

My thoughtful husband brought me flowers yesterday just because I was having a rough day!

(I attempted to add in several pictures to go along with this blog, but it wasn't allowing me to add them! I'll try again later to get the pictures on.)


Anonymous said...

I made the fizzy joy!!!

jenn said...

I owe you an apology for laughing when I read that you were the secretary- I was thinking of our younger days when you didn't have an ounce of organizational skill! Sorry! I probably need to apologize too for resenting your short stint in Nursery. That is indeed the shortest call to nursery I have ever heard of!
Good luck with your new calling! So happy for you not watching extra kids! Shocking, that you may not go back to gymnastics! And, what gives? I guess I won't be hanging out with you on the cruise now that you're one of those- those tan family members! :)

georgia-mom said...

I'm happy for you that you can claim your morning sleep and your family life back. I think you will be a great Primary secretary, and your kids will love having you there with them. Keep trying to post those pictures.

Elizabeth said...

Apology accepted, Jenn! :)
It was indeed a very short stint in nursery, and I was very surprised by it. I don't blame you for resenting me at all. And my initial thought at being called to be secretary was to laugh as well. In fact, I'm pretty sure I did laugh. I still don't organize well.
I'm still not going to be nearly as tan as the other family members. It's all relative, isn't it? I'm tan for ME, which means not so pasty white I glow!
I am still trying to get pictures up, but it's not loading them even on new blogs. Any thoughts?

Micah said...

Secretary, huh? Well, I'm in for my stint in nursery right now. Luckily it can't last more than 3 months, and even that is questionable considering we were just offered work in Wyoming for the duration of the summer. This is the wildest summer of my life. I heard rumors married life was monotonous and boring before children. Someone has been lying to me! Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I've caught up on your blogs and I'll be around to read a bit more often. Hopefully I'll even get to post on my own now and again. I hope all is well - love ya!