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Monday, January 02, 2012

31 Days: Day 2

Notice the little things

It's often easy to overlook the little things as we go about our days.

Today's adventure invites you to pause and notice the littlest things: The way the light comes in the window. The rise and fall of your chest as you breath (or maybe the breath of whoever else is in the room). The patterns made by the trees.

How do the little things add adventure to your day? What have you discovered that you missed before?

Instead of one post at the end of the day, I am going to try to post things as I think of them, then publish at the very end.

The first little thing I noticed today was the way my brown sugar melted and swirled in my cream of wheat. When I was a kid I would mix it until everything was a uniform brown. Now I like the swirl, the contrast in color, and the subtle change in flavor from bite to bite, depending on how much sugar is in that bite. It's one of the little things in life that simply makes me happy.

Today was a little chilly. The kids and I went to the park where I walked and attempted to run on my injured knee. There were a few things that stood out to me as I tried to focus on the little things. First, I noticed the slight discomfort in my chest as I inhaled the chilly air. My lungs didn't like it, but the rest of my body loved the cleanness of it. Second, I noticed the gradual but definite soreness in my knee as I tried to run on it. I could feel it get worse with almost every step. Third, I noticed the wind. I noticed the prickly feeling as it stung my cheeks and made my skin tingle and itch. While none of these sound like good things, and I continue to be frustrated to verge of tears with the pain in my knee, I am grateful that I have a (mostly) healthy body, the opportunity to be outside, and the ability to take my kids to the park and walk/run for an hour. Plus, the happiness that comes from that time in the sun will boost my spirits all day long.

Sitting at my kitchen table today, with the warm sun streaming through the door behind me, warmed me both body and soul.

Have you ever noticed the difference just a degree or two of heat can make?

Warm bread sticks, just out of the oven, brushed with butter and salted with garlic salt may just be the most delicious thing ever.

I didn't discover anything groundbreaking during my day of looking at the little things, but changing my focus did help me to discover little joys I may have overlooked otherwise. Sometimes, finding joy in your day can be the greatest adventure of all.

1 comment:

Angela said...

I'm sorry your knee still hurts. That is lame.