The BEA and the school district reached a tentative agreement on Monday which would get my kids in school, but the contract still had to be voted on by the teachers. So my kids may or may not have school tomorrow. We're still waiting to hear. I know the teachers have left the meeting where the voting was taking place, as have the press vans, but there is still no word on either the hot line or the district website on the outcome of the vote. My neighbor talked to a couple of the teachers, both of whom said they voted against the contract, so it's not looking good. But we're prepping our kids like they have school tomorrow. Lunches have been made, clothes have been chosen, and Rachel is in the shower. Let's hope all our prep work wasn't in vain...
The contract was ratified with 84% in favor. We will be starting school tomorrow!!
2020 Vision
5 years ago
Thank goodness that mess is over!
Hip Hip Hooray!
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