This blog is currently under construction. I asked my sister, Kathryn, to update it and make it look fancy and she inadvertently deleted all of my blog lists! If you are my friend or family member and I am supposed to be following your blog, please email me or leave a comment so that I can have your blog address again and create a new list.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Today is Rachel's 8th birthday. So following tradition, I thought I'd document a few of the things I love about her.

1. Rachel is the smartest girl I know.

2. She has a love of books that matches Kathryn!

3. She makes friends very easily.

4. She likes to pose for the camera.

5. She laughs easily and often.

6. She's stubborn when angry.

7. She's very sensitive.

8. She loves gymnastics, and she's quite good at it.

9. She has the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen.

10. She loves art in all its forms.

11. She can shop for hours at a time.

12. She loves to accessorize.

13. She loves babies.

14. Dogs are her favorite thing ever, and she would love to have one.

15. She gets excited to go to school every single day.

16. She already has a good sense of fashion.

17. She loves to sing.

18. She's a great helper around the house.

19. She never wants to leave anyone out of anything.

20. She wants to make people happy.

21. She likes doing homework.

22. She's very responsible.

23. She's a GIRLY girl.

24. She wants to be involved in everything.

25. She is a great example to Tyler and Becca

26. She wants to do what is right.

27. She has definite favorites, and she's not movable on those. At least for this week.

28. She gets so excited to learn new things.

29. She loves to be silly.

30. She is kind, compassionate, and loving.

Happy Birthday sweet Rachel. I love you!


jenn said...

Wishes for a VERY Happy Birthday Rachel!

From the Nielsen family (the long lost relatives who live in Utah!)

georgia-mom said...

What great pictures and what a wonderful list about a wonderful not-so-little girl. She's growing up so fast, and so beautifully.