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Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Last night was a cool night. After a rather muggy afternoon, a storm rolled in pretty late in the evening. Normally I don't think of storms as cool, but this one was. There was a lot of cloud cover, as well as rain, so the huge lightening bolts were reflected off the atmosphere and lit up the entire sky. I've never seen such bright flashes. Even with our black fake leather curtains that block out the bright sun we saw the flashes of light. It was so bright, we just had to go sit outside to watch for a while. Even though I was expecting the flashes, there were still several that made my jump for how bright they were. I've heard loud thunder before, but last night was the first time I recall hearing rolling thunder. We could practically feel it moving across the sky, building and rumbling and receding as it passed us. And it lasted much longer than any other thunder clap I've ever heard. It was one of those times I couldn't help but stand in awe at the power and majesty I was witnessing. All I could think was, "Behold the power of God." It was a cool night.

1 comment:

jenn said...

very cool!

we are having storms here and I watched my friends tree snap last night while looking out her window.

I am grateful no one was hurt- the storm was awesome to watch!