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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Celebration part 2

I had such a fantastic day yesterday, I have to blog about all the details!

I was up at 4:10 to deal with these extra kids that I have, and I hated it, but I was able to get a little bit of sleep after they went back to sleep. The very first thing Rebecca said to me in the morning was "Happy Birthday Mama!" Then she proceeded to repeat that about every half an hour all day long. My kids were as excited for my birthday as I was! And they were exceptionally good and well behaved. That in and of itself is a pretty amazing present!

Scott had a doctor's appointment at 8:30 (just a check up). About the time I was expecting him to get in to work, he walked through the door! He took the day off so that I could have a day to myself! It was a beautiful sunny day and he wanted me to get out of the house without kids and do something fun just for me. After thinking about it for a while, I decided I really wanted to get to the gym first. (I know, you can make fun of me now.) He decided I needed my birthday presents right away though, so first we had our little party. He'd been talking about his gift to me for a couple of weeks, and he was really excited about it. I wasn't disappointed. He bought me an iPod nano! I am thrilled!! And not only that, the kids gave me a case for it that straps to my arm so I can take it to the gym! It was so nice to not only have my music, but to not have to deal with my cd player that skips on some of the machines, and to not have to put my music away when I go to do my weights. It was a very thoughtful gift, and I love it!

So after the gym I came home and got showered and dressed for the day. After a light lunch outside while Scott washed my car, he sent me off to get a manicure and pedicure! I think a pedicure is the ultimate in pampering and I'm totally hooked on them. When I got home, the kids and I frosted cupcakes, and of course we had to eat one! Then Scott made them dinner while I picked up the babysitter. Then it was off to Hooters!

We ended up with 13 people at Hooters! I didn't know a couple of them, but it was still quite a party. The wings were just as good as I'd hoped, the company was fun, and we had a fantastic time. Because it was my birthday, they had me stand up on a stool while they sang to me (right next to an 18 year old girl). Of course we forgot our camera, so this is what we got from Scott's camera phone. Hooters really was a fun place for a party!

I think yesterday was the best birthday I've ever had. I got several phone calls and e-mails wishing me a happy birthday, and Jenn even blogged on it! Scott worked really hard to make sure I had a great day, and I really did.


Anonymous said...

It was my pleasure babe. You deserve it. :-) I'm glad you had a great time. I just wish I could do it for you more often.

Jill said...

That sounds like an excellent birthday, I'm glad it went so great for you. Enjoy 30 it's a great age to be.

jenn said...

Hip Hip Hooray for Scott and all his efforts to make it a great birthday!! And of course, I am so glad you had a great day! Love you!

georgia-mom said...

It made me happy just to hear about your day. What a great husband, and what a great celebration. Happy Birthday!!