This blog is currently under construction. I asked my sister, Kathryn, to update it and make it look fancy and she inadvertently deleted all of my blog lists! If you are my friend or family member and I am supposed to be following your blog, please email me or leave a comment so that I can have your blog address again and create a new list.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My first SPT!

I've decided I might like to join the ranks of the SPT posters. So here it is, my first SPT!

25th Hour:

I was really torn about this one. There are a lot of things I'd like to do with an extra hour to myself. My first inclination was read. My second was nap. I also thought about how much I'd love to take a class, go back to school, improve my cooking skills, or practice piano (which ALMOST made the cut). But I thought about what would actually make me happier if I were to do it on a regular basis, and my answer became very clear.

(Warrior Pose)

If I could do anything I wanted, just for me, with no distractions, it would be to exercise. I've done the whole gym thing, and I still go from time to time, but I've found another form I think I like better. Yoga. I've been surprised at how hard it is, how much it works my body, and how good it makes me feel. Weight lifting and elliptical machines definitely have their place in my routine, but lately it's seemed too aggressive. Yoga gives me a difficult workout, but in a way that seems much more peaceful. When I'm done I feel energized and relaxed. Most of the time, when I find the time, I'm fighting kids or worrying about making dinner, or one of a hundred other things. So if I had an hour just to myself with absolutely no distractions, I would spend it doing yoga.


~Jeri Darling~ said...

Ok enlighten me..whats SPT? Ive never heard of that...

Elizabeth said...

Self Portrait Tuesday. It's something my sister and some of her friends do. I've always liked reading their SPT blogs, but didn't feel like I should participate since I don't actually know the person who started it. But I got over that. :)

Unknown said...

welcome to spt!! i love your hour - what a great way to de-stress AND get stronger.

can't wait to come back and read more of your blog.

Lauralee said...

I love yoga... haven't done it forever, but a great workout!

jenn said...

where did you learn yoga? People keep saying it's great- I'm not convinced. But, I haven't tried.

Exercise was my second choice.

Be careful- SPT's are addicting!!