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Friday, January 27, 2006

Here comes trouble!

I'm having a bit of trouble with one of my wonderful children. She is driving me crazy! Becca turns three next week (yes, three!). I've said since Rachel was three that the threes are worse than the twos. Becca has hit this stage that I hate a bit early. She has always been independent and stubborn. She was born that way. Her first real sentence was, "No, I do it!" But the past week and a half or so has been particularly difficult for me. Last Tuesday, after having already gotten into trouble for playing in my bathroom, she snuck back in there while she was supposed to be napping. Of course she made a mess, and of course she got into things she shouldn't have. But what really upset me was the fact that she cut her hair. She chopped off an entire side! She also cut her bangs, but she's done that before so I wasn't too worried about that. We had to take her in and basically have almost all of her cute curly hair cut off. She now has a short, layered cut that makes her look like a little boy! But this isn't all that she's done lately. We finally had to change the doorknob on our bedroom door because she would get inside our room so often. She's broken candle holders, cut up pictures, colored with permanent marker on our new wood floors, dumped large quantities of laundry soap down the sink and in the toilet, colored on her dresser and walls, drawn lines down the carpet in black crayon, emptied an entire tube of toothpaste into the sink, eaten my lip gloss and spread poop on her walls. And that's just in the last week. Then this morning I found she'd spread lotion all over my keyboard and yogurt on the mouse. This little girl is out of control and she isn't even three yet!! What have I done wrong with this one?? I can't figure out how to get her to behave. If her entire year of being three is anything like the last week has been, I'm in for a very long year. And yet, she is so darn cute you just have to love her anyway! Even though I can hear her playing in the bathroom this very minute.


jenn said...

The side view picture is shocking really! Every time I see it, I gasp. Good luck with that one!

georgia-mom said...

My experience was that the odd years were the toughtest. You know it's a stage so it's not forever--and the part that will stay will come in handy when someone tries to take advantage of her and she absolutely won't let them! No one said raising the "chosen generation" was going to be easy. They're strong-willed for a reason! When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on! You're up to it, Chosen Mother. I love you!