I've had a
bit of a struggle over the last couple of months with my weight loss program. I seem to have hit a plateau that I can't break, and I was starting to feel like all my efforts were basically for nothing. I started wondering if I wouldn't just rather go back to the way things
had been when I could eat whatever I want and didn't
have to worry about finding time for the gym. I know I wrote about the gym being my happy place, and that is definitely true, but with having to get up at 4:45 three days a week, I find myself wanting sleep much more than I want to go to the gym. So I've been considering throwing in the towel. Then I found something that changed my mind completely; some old pictures. On the left you will see a picture of me taken this Christmas. On the right, a picture of me Christmas a year ago. Pictures of me over the last several years are pretty rare. Even if I am in them, I tend to be in the background. I hated ho
w I looked. I avoided the camera whenever I could. That is no longer the case. I actually sort of like having my picture taken now. I know I still have a long way to go, but just seeing the difference of the last
year gives me all the motivation I need to get my tennis shoes on and hit the gym. I don't need that piece of cake over there. I certainly will NOT eat that pan of brownies. I'm not going ba
ck to that ever again. And just in case you need more evidence of the change, let me add a couple other before and after pictures. I'm not trying to tell anyone what they should be doing, I'm writing this as a reminder to myself of just how far I've come so that on those bad days, I can remind myself of just what I have accomplished already.
Wow, good for you. I think the very fact that you have "after" pictures is fantastic. I'm all about having someone stand on a chair to take my picture so that my chins are minimized--going to the gym hasn't been incorporated.
I totally choose sleep over exercise but you would miss it too much to quit for more than 3 days! Just remind yourself- cruise in November! You'll look better than us all!
Choices...choices... Every day choices. Never-ending, brain-racking, soul-searching choices.
You've been amazing!! Why stop now? It's not just about how you look on the outside; it's the health issues on the inside: diabetes, heart disease, energy, etc. And a backward slide is a slide backward. Press forward!
I know the "plateau" story. I've been there myself. Just keep reminding yourself that your body, your marriage, your family, and your life are all healthier now because of this new found happy place. Please, continue...
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