I realized, in looking over my blog, that I had neglected to blog about a very important topic. Let's go ahead and remedy that right now.
I got my own surprise good mail a few days ago. Rachel had the very day before this happened complained that we never got packages from the UPS man who is in our neighborhood just about every day. Then, to our great surprise and pleasure, he stopped at our door! And who was this surprise package from? My wonderful sister Jennifer, of course! She sent me some super cute dresses for Becca, as well as some fun things too! Personally, I'm most excited about the thick cut blade for the apple peeler/corer/slicer she gave me several months ago and the beautiful dress I get to use for Becca for Easter, but my kids LOVED the cute box with the pink and white M&M's and Rachel has stolen the darling little canister that originally held more Easter candy. I would love to take pictures of all the great stuff that was in this box, but unfortunately it got scattered long before a picture could be taken! But I am very grateful for my thoughtful sister who sent me my own wonderful surprise box of very, very good mail!
2020 Vision
5 years ago
Jenn has a way with gifts doesn't she?
It's so funny that you would be so happy over handmedowns! And the candy was actually from the baby shower- a thank you for being part of it long distance and you would have gotten these if you were here so you might as well get them if you're not!! LOVE YOU!
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