tagged (round 3)
5 things in my fridge
1. strawberries
2. cottage cheese
3. bleu cheese
4. limes
5. deli turkey
5 things in my closet
1. shoes
2. ironing board
3. shoe rack
4. a roll of fabric left from the previous owners
5. clothes
5 things in my purse
1. class schedule from The Little Gym
2. black raspberry vanilla lotion from Bath and Body Works
3. lip gloss from Victoria's Secret
4. Shut up and kiss me mints
5. a thank you card from the mother of a missionary who served in my ward
5 things in my car
1. my lime green rain coat
2. red umbrella
3. care bear blanket
4. water bottle
5. extra clothes for potty training Becca
5 things on my Tivo (X-Box Media Center) [I don't have one, so I'll put in what I download on my computer]
2. Alias
3. West Wing
4. CSI
5. Thief
I don't have anyone else to tag that blogs on this site (Jenn did them all!), but I will post this on another site I use to see if I can get people there to do it too!
2020 Vision
5 years ago
so fun to read your responses!! I love that VS lip gloss too! peach rocks!
Peach is the best! I think I have three tubes of it! Plus about 5 others. :)
You don't have enough room in your closet to be housing someone else's fabric!
Loved your responses. I don't think I got this tag but I would kill people with my boring answers.
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