This blog is currently under construction. I asked my sister, Kathryn, to update it and make it look fancy and she inadvertently deleted all of my blog lists! If you are my friend or family member and I am supposed to be following your blog, please email me or leave a comment so that I can have your blog address again and create a new list.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Busy day!

Yesterday was my busy day of the week. It started with 2 of my kids having gymnastics classes. Rebecca and Tyler's classes are back to back, so I only have to go uptown once for two classes. It's nice, but it also means I have 2 1/2 hours I have to keep other kids occupied and out of trouble. But my day wasn't done there. Three of us had doctor's appointments. But we had another 2 1/2 hours to kill between gymnastics and the doctor. I didn't really want to take half an hour to drive home and half an hour to drive back, so we had to kill time. We started with lunch at Wendy's, though even that was a fight. Everyone wanted to eat somewhere different and nobody was willing to compromise. So I got to pick and nobody was happy. After lunch I decided I was sick and tired of Walmart, so I was going to risk my kids wreaking havoc and attempt the mall. They were actually pretty good! Except for Becca dragging a shirt around Old Navy that I attempted to take from her several times (she kept finding it, no matter where I tried to hide it), they actually mostly stayed with me and did as I asked. And I found this skirt that I just fell in love with. I don't usually pay full price for things for myself at Old Navy. I figure it'll all go on sale eventually. But I wasn't willing to risk it on this one. It's pretty and feminine and just the right length. I love the embroidery on it, and the little touch of tulle at the hem. It fits beautifully. It was just so perfect, I splurged! But now I think I'm going to need some new shoes to go with it. :)
So then we went to our doctor's appointments. Mine was first. When I made the appointments, I asked 3 separate times if my appointment was early enough that I could ensure availability for my kids to get to theirs on time. I was assured all three times it would be no problem at all. When I checked in, I was told they would only check me in and I would have to come back to do the kids when I was done (since I can't be two places at once). Right after getting undressed, the nurse knocked on my door and said they didn't realize one of my kids had an appointment so soon after mine, the doctor was running a little late, and all of this was a pretty big problem. I explained, none too patiently, about the conversation when I scheduled the appointments, and they reluctantly agreed that we could make it work. It means my first physical in years was perfunctory at best. They did little more than take my vitals (pulse, bp, height and weight) and the exam itself was as short as I can recall one ever being. The person who came to get information for our life insurance has more information about me than my doctor does. I did get a tetanus booster though. I can't recall ever having had one, so I figured it was time to get that done.
Then came the appointments for my kids. I thought they were scheduled back to back, but apparently I was wrong about that. There was someone in between my kids, so the doctor came in to do Becca's check up (Becca charmed all the nurses, by the way.), then left. Tyler was feeling like he'd been left out since he was promised a check up as well. She did come back about 10 minutes later to do him, but he wasn't too happy about it. Then I had to get my girls Hep A vaccines (there has been a lot of it in surrounding counties lately, so it was highly recommended). Rachel was pretty angry with me because I had told her this appointment wasn't for her at all so she could just relax, but then I made her get a shot! Tyler got his first dose of the vaccine last month with his other immunizations. Then I had to wait in two separate lines to get fluoride for my kids. I totally don't understand their pharmacy. The fluoride was ordered by the doctor, so I didn't have to actually take the Rx to them. They already had it. So I had to wait in one line just to let them know I was ready to pick it up. That person bagged it then sent it over to another window where I had to wait in another line to pay for it before actually getting it into my hands. Why two separate lines? I have no idea.
All told, we were in Group Health for a little over 3 hours, and were gone from the house for almost 9. It was definitely a long and busy day.


jenn said...

I hate lines! I hate waiting! I have not been to the doctor for a while but the dentist wait KILLS me. SO glad you endured your very long day and SO, SO jealous of that very cute skirt which will be so great for our cruise!!

Jill said...

That sounds awful (except for the cute skirt moment), what sort of doctor's office is that? You were brave to do so much in one day. I would have been afraid that the kids would have been too tired and grumpy to brave the doctor's office after your long morning. Way to be the mom though and take care of business!

Anonymous said...

Aren't HMO's the best? HA!

georgia-mom said...

Wow, what a day. Somehow, someway, these things build character. I think you showed the endurance of a pioneer!
And nothing is ever totally bad. You found that cute skirt!

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.