This blog is currently under construction. I asked my sister, Kathryn, to update it and make it look fancy and she inadvertently deleted all of my blog lists! If you are my friend or family member and I am supposed to be following your blog, please email me or leave a comment so that I can have your blog address again and create a new list.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Funny kids

I've decided I have the funniest kids around. People tell me all the time how cute and funny they are. Let me give you two examples:

Tyler wants to go camping. I'm not even sure he knows what it is fully, but he wants to go. I am NOT a camper. I don't own a tent, and the one and only sleeping bag in our house was Scott's from when he was a teenager. But that didn't stop him. He pulled the top off the storage bin I keep under his bed (it's hinged in the middle) and propped it up, making himself a dandy little tent. He slept under it all night. I tried to move him to his bed, but he woke up and demanded I put him back under his tent. He did consent to let me give him a pillow, but that's it.

Then there's Becca. In cas
e you don't know, this girl LOVES to be naked! She's also stubborn, independent, and does what she wants when she wants. Last weekend, she had been told most definitely that she was done playing in the pool and it was time to get dressed. After a while, she finally consented to putting some clothes on. But as soon as our backs were turned, she had them stripped off and was once again playing in the pool, this time naked! She was just so pleased with herself! She is already trouble. I don't know what I'm going to do with her as she gets older!

But she can also be cute and cuddly. And on the rare occasions you can get her to hold still, she is great to nap with. :)

And just so I don't forget Rachel, I don't have any new pictures of her, but she is becoming a great little reader, and in just one gymnastics session she nailed her round off! She'd steadily refused to even try one before last week, and now she's quite a pro!


Anonymous said...

I will attest that our kids are the funniest - and the naked part does NOT come from the Carnegie gene...

jenn said...

I will NOT be sitting by you on the cruise little miss tan girl! but I love becca's tan- SO funny!

Jill said...

That tent was mighty creative. Very cute photos. I can't imagine ever being fine with running around naked.

georgia-mom said...

Glad I don't have to choose which kid is funnier. Too cute.
I was trying to do round offs with Kate and Megan when I was in Utah; it's not as easy as it looks.
Glad to see you get a nap occasionally.

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!