The flu has struck my house.
Scott came home on Friday with a fever and feeling dizzy. He went to bed about 7:00 that evening and basically stayed in bed almost 24 hours. He was able to sleep most of it off, but it really did last a couple of days for him. He was nauseous and had no appetite, but never actually threw up. Sunday morning Rachel woke up with a fever. Since Scott was sick and staying home anyway, she stayed home and spent her afternoon on the couch. But yesterday was even worse for her. She came into our bedroom about 3:30 in the morning complaining that her stomach hurt. Since I had to be up in about an hour anyway, we decided to just let her stay in our bed. She didn't get out of it all day long. She ate nothing but half a piece of toast and a couple bites of applesauce all day, and she spent the bulk of the day asleep. Fortunately she is feeling back to normal today. It seems to be a 48 hour bug. This morning, again about 3:30, Tyler came into our room having had some really crazy nightmares. These were bizarre nightmares about walls melting and such. He was really upset, so I let him climb into bed with me (which is really unusual at my house, just to be clear). As he snuggled up to me, I realized he had a pretty good fever going as well. He's mostly acting normal, but he doesn't have much of an appetite and he has bouts of lethargy. Becca also got up much earlier than normal, feeling a little warm, and not wanting to eat at all. Not long after drinking some water she threw up all over the place. Fortunately it was just water, having had no appetite for breakfast.
So here I am today, having had less than three hours of sleep for two nights in a row, and having not had much more than that for several nights now, already tired of playing nurse (Scott is the biggest baby of them all!!), looking at another couple of days of sick kids. I just hope I somehow manage to avoid it. I did have a day last week of not feeling well and getting dizzy every time I stood up, but I never had the fever or nausea or lack of appetite everyone else seems to have. Hopefully that's as bad as it gets for me. I don't have time to get sick!
2020 Vision
5 years ago
The mom never does have time so I will pray that you don't get sick! I'm SO sorry- it is exhausting to take care of sick kids and do everything else that needs to be done. Just tell yourself, when you are holding a lethargic and feverish child- "I DON'T have to do anything else! I should just hold this sweet child of mine who wouldn't slow down to let me hold them until they were sick!" The rest can wait! And I'll be thinking of you!
In defense of myself.... OK I have no defense. I'm just going to say that it's the sickest I've ever been (excluding Parvo B19 episode). I'm grateful that I have a wife that is so awesome and took great care of me.
Scott "The Biggest Baby" Carnegie
I'm sorry for all of you. Hope you all recover soon, and that the mom gets some much-needed rest. I love it when Scott puts in his two cents. Hugs all around.
This is yet another one of those "I don't want to be the mom" moments. Of course, it's not really an option so you just have to muddle your way through and take comfort in the empathy the rest of us moms are sending you.
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