This blog is currently under construction. I asked my sister, Kathryn, to update it and make it look fancy and she inadvertently deleted all of my blog lists! If you are my friend or family member and I am supposed to be following your blog, please email me or leave a comment so that I can have your blog address again and create a new list.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 7

Your most treasured item

So treasured is the wrong word. Used might be the best. Addicted might be another... I love my phone. I LOVE it. When I spent hours in the rehab center with dad, it kept me entertained. When he died, I had much needed information at my fingertips. I read my scriptures far more often because of it. I keep in touch with my friends far more because of it. I can check my email; get the phone number, address, or email address to anyone in the stake; play scrabble with my brother; take pictures and video of my kids at any time, even if I forgot my camera; check the caloric content of food when I eat out; let my kids practice math facts; light my way from one dark place to another; read books; keep a diary; make notes to myself; the list is endless. My phone is so much more than a phone. Mostly I love having the scriptures at my fingertips. I've read the New Testament, the D&C, the Pearl of Great Price, and up to 3 Nephi: 10 all this year. Mom would say I'm addicted. I will fully admit I was a very bad date when we went out to lunch. I have good days where I'm not on it much, and bad days where it's never out of my hand. It's just so useful! I don't know how I ever survived without a smart phone. Is it my most treasured item? No. Is it pretty dang awesome? You betcha.

1 comment:

jenn said...

My phone calls people. That's nice.

WOW on the scripture reading!