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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 22

Something you wish you were better at

I could practice more. I SHOULD practice more. I loved the piano lessons Scott surprised me with. I wish I played well. I know I could play better than I do. Somehow it never seems to make the cut in my to do list for the day. I want my kids to be able to hand me a piece of music and ask me to play it so they can sing it, the way we did with Mom when we were kids. Those are some of my very best memories as a child. I know life will never calm down enough for the time to suddenly appear for me to practice. If I want it, I need to make it a priority. Maybe that's exactly what I need to do; simply make playing a priority.


jenn said...

This is definitely on my list too! I have the same memory of singing around the piano and that does NOT happen at my house. That may be a good thing if you've heard us sing, but I loved it growing up.

Kate said...

I should practice better. I play often enough but I just repeat what I know with no learning involved.

Angela said...

Gosh, just practice already. TODAY IS THE DAY!

georgia-mom said...

It just takes practice.

Like my mother, playing the piano has brought me a lot of pleasure all my life. I hope when I am old and alone (am I almost there?) that I can still play something.
One sweet memory I have of your Dad is that while he was home sick he liked to just sit and listen to me play. I was sorry I don't play better than I do.